+33 1 88 40 80 00


As the leader in audiovisual technical services for shows and events, the Groupe Novelty-Magnum-Dushow is committed to continuous improvement and aims to sustainably integrate into the environmental, economic, and social fabric through its policy.

Concretely, the group's csr policy is structured around three major strategic development axes:

Economic Responsibility

Economic performance through continuous improvement of our processes, respecting our ethical principles, with a responsible purchasing policy and a philanthropic commitment. The Groupe Novelty-Magnum-Dushow requests, whenever the market allows, an offer of certified and environmentally friendly products, especially for consumables. We are a signatory of the PRESTADD® Deontological Charter, which sets a framework for competition and behavior in markets, as well as the "Responsible Supplier & Purchasing Relationships" Charter.

Social Responsibility

Development of social and societal performance through employee loyalty, training, diversity, and professional equality. The Groupe Novelty-Magnum-Dushow is committed to diversity and professional equality and has implemented a training policy with two main axes: risk prevention and skills development.

Environmental Responsibility

Reducing our environmental impact through innovation, transport optimization, recycling, and lifecycle management of equipment. Our logisticians optimize deliveries and returns on site based on upstream and downstream routes. We are constantly seeking improvement solutions, notably with:

• Trailers sized to the constraints of traffic routes and useful volumes
• Tractors with hybrid engines or high biofuel content fuel.

Le Groupe certifié ISO 20121

L'obtention de la certification ISO 20121, qui est une norme internationale pour la gestion durable des événements, démontre un engagement profond envers le développement durable. Cela reflète les valeurs du Groupe qui vise à être un acteur de référence dans l'événementiel, en adoptant des pratiques éco-responsables et durables.

Vers une Amélioration Continue
La certification ISO 20121 requiert une approche d'amélioration continue. Nous nous engageons à revoir régulièrement et à améliorer nos process pour en assurer la conformité avec les normes de durabilité. Cette démarche encourage l'innovation et l'efficacité, permettant d'améliorer l'expérience client, la sécurité et le bien-être des collaborateurs.

Une Reconnaissance Internationale
La certification ISO 20121 consolide la réputation du Groupe auprès de ses clients, partenaires, et autres parties prenantes.

Engagement des Collaborateurs
L'engagement des collaborateurs est un pilier essentiel de la réussite du Groupe. En adoptant des pratiques durables et en obtenant des certifications pertinentes, nous aspirons à créer un environnement de travail plus inspirant et motivant pour nos équipes. Ces initiatives démontrent notre engagement envers la responsabilité sociale et environnementale, ce qui renforce le sentiment de fierté et d'appartenance de nos collaborateurs.


The Groupe Novelty-Magnum-Dushow is a signatory of the "Responsible Supplier & Purchasing Relationships" Charter. Created in 2010 by the Business Mediation and the National Purchasing Council, this charter aims to encourage businesses and public actors to adopt responsible practices towards their suppliers, raising awareness among all economic actors about the challenges inherent in responsible purchasing and quality client-supplier relationships. Through this relationship of mutual respect and commitment, our strategic suppliers become true long-term partners, drivers, and actors of the necessary changes and innovations for our activities.

The general purchasing policy of the Groupe Novelty-Magnum-Dushow  is based on pooling orders within the various entities of the Group in most cases. Products are selected based on the following criteria:

  • The energy efficiency of the products
  • The lifespan of the products
  • Their origin (we favor short supply chains)
  • The weight and bulk of the products
  • The internal reparability of the products
  • The product lifecycle (every technical product has at least 2/3 lifecycles depending on its market type)


As a leader in technical services for events, we are committed to continuously improving our responsible management system.

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Missions and Values

United around the values of kindness, creativity, commitment, teamwork, and expertise, we embody the plurality of technical professions in events and shows.

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Social and Environmental Responsibility

We are committed to a CSR approach through the three major areas of Sustainable Development: Economic, Environmental, Social, and Societal.

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Our Certifications

Our professional bodies

Our philanthropic commitment

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